Sunday, June 3, 2012


Memories like all else need regular de-cluttering
Accumulated over time, sometimes by default
At others by oversight or laziness (that prevents immediate disposal),
They keep gathering, intertwining and mixing haphazardly,
Till you cannot distinguish the good from the bad,
And what really transpired from what one chooses to remember
Or even the shades that the passage of time and the clutter lends them.

The most precious inheritance, they lose their value
And serve neither as solace for an enticing today,
Nor as lessons for a better tomorrow.
Collected in various forms as thoughts, statements and messages
They tend to lie ignored, gathering dust;
Or remain irretrievable, as their presence is forgotten.

As often as possible, I carefully choose them
Letting go those of that hurt and holding closer to the heart those that matter
To complete the jigsaw of living, filled with the rich text of experience
And the vibrant hues that life has to offer.

Preeti Shirodkar

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