Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A part of me lost again.
With my lost phone,
The contacts gone;
The photographs clicked
To capture moments,
And serve later
To clarify memories,
When time casts
Its haze on them,
Now lost forever.
The light banter
That I exchanged, at times,
With my loved ones,
Which brought a smile,
Even if I’d open them accidentally,
Now wiped out,
Without a trace..
And, like this,
I have lost myself -
Bit by bit,
Through unasked questions;
At others,
Through actions
That remain unexplained;
People lost through death,
Or those who wander away,
Without offering a reason;
Thoughts that are lost,
In the disturbed sleep
That follows dreams;
Or those
I am too busy to pursue.
Lost jobs; lost things; lost opportunities…
The list seems endless.
Leaving me pondering
On my carelessness, on life
About who I am,
And what is it
That I have gained
After all that I have lost in life.